Well the last while has been hectic here at Fish X! things have been really busy on the guiding front with us hosting Guests from all over the globe. Unfortunately, due to this the blog has been on the back burner! On the upside it has gave us loads of great content to share with you over the coming months, from fly fishing for wild brown trout to lure fishing for pike.
Over the coming months ill give an insight into how our clients have fared over the last year! sharing some of their most memorable moments and catches off a life time. I have some published articles that I can now share and make available to everyone and ill try and share some tips and advice, fly’s and lures that work well for me and how to fish them.
A freshly tied shoal of black Jacks! A simple but deadly pike fly!

We are currently adding stock to our website and ironing out the few niggles we had with the new site, so hopefully this will be running smoother over the next few months.
The traditional pike season is now upon us and to coincide with that, our winter boat is at the final stages of refurbishment. An Orkney 440 makes a comfortable vessel for winter fishing on the big lochs, the cuddy making it ideal for when the weathers bad, we can sit behind the baits with a brew and wait for the magic to happen.
I am extremely proud to have been taking on to humminbird / minn kota pro staff team. having access to technology like this is only going to lead to one thing and that’s more fish on the boat! fish X is also now the sole distributor for bobbers with a brain from Big Ten Tackle USA.
Two at a time last winter, using Bobbers with a Brain!
I have used these products for over twenty years and like all forms of fishing, simplicity is key, and when float ledgering baits for predators, you don’t get much more simpler than this.
Graham Faulds a repeat client with FishX used the service to learn the techniques associated with pike fly fishing.
Graham with a nice fat double on the fly!
Graham an avid trout and grayling angler is now competent enough to go chase the big green mamas himself. We converted him from dabbling his pike fly’s, to fishing them all the way to the boat and looking for follows. Another habit that was hard to break for Graham was just lifting into the fish when he got a take, which is obviously mandatory when fishing with light tippet. Soon he was hitting them hard to sink the hook into the pikes toothy and boney mouth!
You can view the tug is the bug article here.
look out for next weeks blog!
Follow us on our fish X page on Facebook and @team_fishx on Instagram. You can now find us on twitter too!
Tightlines till next time!
join the 5%!